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Very deep and moving but wait... did the guy's son DIE? I sort of don't get when he comes home and the wife's cleaning up the toys and all... what happened? o.o

NCH responds:

no, its just a scene to establish that the dad is comming back very late home and never had a chance to see his kid. the kid was already in bed sleeping everytime the dad comes home.

anyway, it may partly be my fault for omitting out a scene where he looks at his sleeping son(it was planned) for time constrains.

I would have given it 5 stars just for using that song. XD Still the animation was actually quite nice and loved the use of the dif charas hehehe, good work. ^^

RetroSleep responds:

Thank you

Too bad...

That Sophia is a zombie now, course anyone who reads the comics woulda known that way way ahead of time, the comics are like... a spoiler into what'll be the next 5 seasons of the show if it keeps going.

ManNSmkyRoom responds:

I believe Sophia is still alive in the comics...

Awesome, however.

The only problem is that some people CAN lick their elbow either due to:

A) a really long tongue
B) dislocating their arm which will allow them to spin it enough to get their tongue to touch their elbow

So that's one feat at least one person prolly woulda completely.

ScaredyDave responds:

Yeah I got you. I just picked feats MOST people couldn't accomplish. I think actually Mythbusters did one involving the interlaced phone books too, I cant remember if they were actually able to rip it apart using heavy machinery, but I figured if I just make it tests most people generally consider "impossible" then it'd get the point across lol.


Finally a decent series on NG that DOESN'T sell out and use one of the two over-used a-hole VAs, well, at least not yet anyway, so let's hope this series never sells out and that they don't get used ever in it so that it can remain good and watchable!

Toonwerks responds:

well we have a LOT of characters in this, and each one has it's own voice actor generally. I apologize in advance for any asshollery found within our cast!

Can't wait to work on the future eps man.

This is one of the best series I've worked on by far and I love doing so. (Even if I am the 'token white guy' the reverse of the token african characters found in other cartoons like South Park, Family Guy, Simpsons, etc XD)

It needs to be said we've put a lot of effort into this and hope to continue to do so, but I really hope Tom steps in and BANS these people(or should I say PERSON with like 100 accounts) who keep voting 0 and leaving crappy lame-excuses for reviews with 0/10 scoring which are hindering it's success... it's obvious the guy is a racist, prolly a member of the KKK, and it's obvious it's him every single crappy review that has been given, Tom needs to delete them, so that the score for this goes back up to what it should, and also IP, not just regular ban but IP ban the guy so he can't create or use any new accounts on his home comps or school comps or whatever anyway.

Oh and the guy who commented on the gay reporter thing, he clearly hasn't watched the show American Dad, has two gay lovers who are both the anchormen for some news channel or something like that... so it's not like it's the first time.

I think that's all I have to say. (I mean you coulda given me sub-author-status *noogies* XD Just kidding, but hey then I coulda responded to some of these reviews and such myself) anyway, we'll just keep up the good work, and please the people who have become our loyal fanbase.

JazLyte responds:

You mighta played Elixir, but you didn't spend 4 months drawing it, foo! XD Nah, jk. Thanks man! And yeah, there's alot of haters, but they don't usually delete the abusive bad reviews from my movies anyway, so I might as well enjoy the good ones. :)

The 360 Song

Obviously, anyone who has heard/seen/etc the PS3 song has probably also heard of or heard the 360 song, the 360, although albeit lack of singer talent, is much more accurate with it's lyrics, and much more truthful.

See I love all consoles, and own them all, but as the 360 song states, when your 360 RRODs every single time and you're on your 6th console, while your PS3 since release has been perfectly fine and never needed a replacement or exchange, well, than there's just something about this picture that is wrong. I'll admit Doc Adams wrote a catchy tune, but he lied too much, Killzone was good, Killzone 2 will be better, you can EASILY find your online friends on PS3, infact I'm looking at them right now and didn't take me more than 5 seconds to find them. Also PS3 didn't ignore the need to play online, infact they offered it FREE, while 360 not only do you have to buy a wi-fi adapter and network connector, but then you still have to pay $70 a year to play it online. Which let's face it, sucks.

Despite no good exclusive games? Uh hello, Metal Gear Solid 4, for one, which was only RUMORED to be coming out on 360, it isn't, sorry 360 fanpeople. Then don't forget Final Fantasy 13, also PS3 exclusive only rumored to be coming out on 360. Then there's Resistance, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and plenty of great exclusives to come, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Warhawk, Lair, God of War 3, etc.

Seriously, everyone who hears this song should go listen to the 360 song also because it's much more accurate in the lyrics.

Let's not forget the other thing, how if your 360 moves even a centimeter while in play, the disk gets scratched all to heck and is no longer useable, sure microsoft just spent 1.5 billion to extend the console warranty, but they are also now facing a 50 million dollar clash action suit by all 360 gamers for lost games destroyed by the RROD or the disk scratching.

Also anyone complaining about price, the only worthwhile 360 right now is Elite, which is what? $600? after tax in Canada that comes to $750 or so, while PS3 is now down to $550 in Canada coming to a little over $600 after taxes, and if you get a base 360, you have to then add on all the add-ons which cost so much more than the PS3 afterwards.

Lastly let's not forget the final point, Microsoft JUST announced at E3'07 LIVE that Halo 3 will launch with 1-player single-game mode ONLY! No Multiplayer, no online play, no co-op mode, etc. You will have to spend another $50 to get those options in the future.

I think that's about everything to clarify it up, I don't like to take sides, because I like both systems, but all the rabid 360 users who bash the PS3 so much need to just stop, while the rabid PS3 users who already know their system is so much better need to stop trying so hard to rub it in the 360 users faces, peace people, we need peace. We're all gamers here so let's just relax and play games.

DAGamesOfficial responds:

all a pack of lies if I say so myself

I'm an aspiring VA with some decent equipment always looking for more work. Feel free to PM me if you have projects you'd like to have me in or have open auditions. I can only hope to some day be at the level of my peers who have professional careers now.

Age 38, Male


University currently.

The Great White North

Joined on 10/13/00

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